Monday, March 30, 2009

Just can't do it!

Grrrrr. I just can't post anything! I sit down to work on the blog (mostly to finish my "catch-up" blogging) and I just can't do it. I think it all started a couple weeks ago when I was working on a blog and I am not sure what happened but I lost everything that I was writing. Now, when ever I go to finish that blog I just can't do it. I can't say what I want to say the way I want to say it. So, if I don't write that blog then I can't do any after that and since nothing really exciting has happened lately it leaves me with nothing. I know. I know. I am completely insane. Something I learned to accept a long time ago. *sigh* Wish me luck.


Cathy said...

Haha. Good Luck Olivia! I know those frustrations....just don't let too long pass before you start blogging again. :) Have a good day!

Katy B. said...

It'll be okay Olivia.....hey, check out my blog when you have the chance. I put up some super cute pics of Josie.:) And I know she is your favorite nursery kid! hehehehe

Jewel said...

so glad you came over today--your blog is so cute!! Good luck with the writer's block!!