Sunday, January 18, 2009


One thing that drives me crazy about myself is that I can never just "Start" something, especially if it is in the middle of a time line. Scrap booking, journals, BLOGS. I just can't do it. I have to start from the beginning but the problem with it is that I can never catch up. So, I decided I am going to do both!

I will continue to catch up on the last year and a half (mostly for my own sanity... I have to do it like that) however, I am going to post recent things as well. Eventually I will change the dates and organize everything accordingly but, as of now, the blog will be out of order. I'm hoping I can do this with out it driving myself too crazy ( I can be very OCD sometimes).

So, I'm wishing myself luck on this task. We will see if I actually follow through and do it. :)

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